------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Home Page | Music Page | Trash | << Prev Song | Next Song >> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 ___ __ __ | |__) /\ /__` |__| | | \ /~~\ .__/ | | Television No, not really Mmm television No, not really Mmm television No, not really We're trash And trash don't last Everything becomes trash And trash don't last We're trash And trash don't last Everything becomes trash And trash don't last Who put the bomp in the fucking bomp de bomp? Why are there so many fucking songs about rainbows? Is she really she really fucking going out with him? Why can't I fucking be you? Why can't I be fucking you? We're trash And trash don't last Everything becomes trash And trash don't last Bring in the trash take out the trash Bring in the trash take out the trash Bring in the trash take out the trash Bring in the trash take out the trash And trash don't last And trash don't last And trash don't last And trash don't last We're trash And trash don't last Everything becomes trash And trash don't last No, not really Television Bring in the trash Take out the trash Mmm, moisturizer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Home Page | Music Page | Trash | << Prev Song | Next Song >> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c. + p. 2014 Robertson/Saccoman