After a rave I came home with a souveigner
Not a girl, just this glow stick here
It was a color I cannot describe
Hidden inside was a really really bad bad vibe
Set it down next to my PC
Next thing I know there were eyes staring back at me
I wasn't sure what to think of that
And then it spread to my cat
Boom crash boom crash bad bad vibe
I must dance to stay alive
Boom crash boom crash bad bad vibe
You must dance to stay alive
Boom crash boom crash bad bad vibe
We must dance to stay alive
Boom crash boom crash boom crash die die die
My cat went berserk in the kitchenette
It may sound bad but I'm not done yet
That bad vibe spread into the stove
It cleaned the broiler, but it burnt the roast
From there it oozed into my TV
On every channel I was looking at me
The TV infected my DVR
Now I can only watch Oprah
The bad vibe spread all through my home
No matter where I go I am not alone
I really want to go out but it won't let me
Voices mock me when I take a pee
All the windows are black and the door's not there
The floor's on the ceiling but I just don't care
My friends call me out but I say I'm sick
Blame it on that damn glow stick